"High Yellow" Bright Designer Isopods (Porcellio haasi) 10 Count
Sale price$74.49
"Japanese Red Edge" Iriomotensis Ultra RARE (Cubaris sp) 6 Count
Sale price$44.49
"Klugii Pudding" Clown Isopods (Armadillidum klugii) 10 Count
Sale price$49.49
"Lava" STUNNING Orange and Blue Isopods (Porcellio scaber) 10 Count
Sale price$39.49
"Lemonade" Yellow Clean Up Crew Isopods (Porcellio scaber) 10 Count
Sale price$39.49
"Little Sea" PERFECT Beginner Isopods (Cubaris murina) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $24.49
"Magic Potion" Isopods "Japanese Line" (Armadillidium vulgare) 10-100 Count
Sale priceFrom $59.49
"Milk Back" Reptile Feeder Isopods (Porcellio laevis) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $29.49
"Orange Cream" Feeder Isopods (Porcellionides pruinosus) 10 Count
Sale price$49.49
"Orange Dairy Cow" THE Perfect BioActive Isopod (Porcellio laevis)
Sale priceFrom $24.49
"Orange KOI" Gorgeous Coloring Isopods (Porcellio scaber) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $34.49
"Oreo Crumbles" Feeder Isopods (Porcellionides pruinosus) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $34.49
"Orin's Calico" Clean Up Crew Isopods (Porcellio scaber) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $34.49
"Pak Chong" Pink Faced Rubber Ducky Isopods (Cubaris sp.) 6 Count
Sale price$99.49
"Panda King" Highly Desired Isopods (Cubaris sp) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $44.49
"Papaya" Pretty Soft Pink Isopods (Cubaris murina) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $44.49
"Peach" PERFECT Beginner Isopods (Armadillidium nasatum) 10-25 Count
Sale priceFrom $29.49