Japanese Magic Potion isopods are native to the Mediterranean but have much sought after and wide geographical distribution because of their distinct look.
Japanese Magic Potion isopods are a medium-sized terrestrial "roly-poly" that reaches 9 – 16 mm in length. These very rare isopods are shiny, with a rounded exoskeleton, and will roll up into a perfect ball when they feel as if they are threatened. Japanese Magic Potion isopods can survive drier conditions than most other exotic isopods, with a preference of 1/4th of their tank moist.
Armadillidium Vulgare Magic Potion Isopod Care (Japanese Line)

Today, these exotic Magic Potion isopods are found on every continent! However, these Isopods have a preference for soils that are rich in calcium carbonate.
Japanese Magic Potion isopods can tolerate a wide range of temperatures but do best when temperatures are between 68 – 77° Fahrenheit. However, when the isopods environment is more humid, this exotic species can survive more extreme temperature swings.
Japanese Magic Potion isopods can survive temperatures as high as 98.6° Fahrenheit and as low as 32° Fahrenheit for extended periods. When their environment becomes too cold, these isopods will bury down into the soil.
Among exotic species, Japanese Magic Potion isopods are one of the most resistant to low humidity. These rare isopods prefer much drier environments where humidity is between 10 – 60%. Above 80% humidity,
Magic Potion isopods begin to slow their daily activities and movements. We have learned that only wetting 1/4th of their enclosure and lightly misting the remainder helps keep the humidity at an optimal rate.
While this species is partial to drier environments compared to other rare isopods, like the "Rubber Duckies" isopod, it still needs water to live, and this is especially true for the young! With the ability to adapt to drier conditions, young isopods will cuddle together in groups of up to 200+ individuals.
Healthy Magic Potion Isopod Diet
Magic Potion Isopods enjoy eating dead and decaying organic leaf matter, live or dead animals, leaf mold, fungi, and even excrement from other animals! We specialize in feeding our isopods rabbit manure from our lion head rabbit. Like us, isopods crave certain foods over others, and Japanese Magic Potion isopods CRAVE:
- Milk Thistle
- Tarweed
- Vetches
- Mulberry
- Basswood/Linden
Protein Sources:
- Shrimp Pellets (Fish Store)
- Shrimp Meal (Down To Earth)
- Organic (Non-GMO) Nutritional Yeast
- Cricket Insect Frass
Calcium Sources:
- Cuttlebone (Reptile Store)
- Emulsified Egg Shells (Powder Form)
- Sea Corral Calcium
Vegetable Sources:
- Organic Cucumber
- Freeze Dried Green Beans
- Freeze Dried Peas
Pesticide-Free Leaf Litter:
- Magnolia Leaves
- Oak Leaves
- CBD Hemp Leaves
- Cannabis Leaves
Reproduction and Lifecycle

Female Japanese Magic Potion isopods begin to reproduce when they are between 3 – 4 months old and are unique in that they can produce more than 1 brood of babies.
Fun Fact! A female Japanese Magic Potion isopod can breed several times a year without a male around because she can store his DNA. In doing this, the female can ensure that she can successfully reproduce and birth multiple isopod babies within a short period of time!
The amount of daylight that our beloved isopods get daily affects how long it takes before they are ready to reproduce. Long-day environments help stimulate the start of reproduction, mimicking the natural cycles of mother nature.
Some isopods species are likely to cannibalize their young, especially Porcellio laevis and P. scaber. However, Japanese Magic Potion isopods are a bit more humane and have a very low incidence of cannibalism. You can help ensure this by providing plenty of food for your isopods as well as room for them to grow.
These are pretty prolific, medium-large sized isopod species that thrive well in most vivarium settings! Great for breaking down fecal matter, rotting foliage, and organic debris, they also add a fun aesthetic look to any vivarium or isopod tank.